Höhere Handelsschule (HöHa)
Höhere Handelsschule (HöHa)
In the two-year HöHa, professional knowledge is taught in conjunction with the entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences.
Students who at least have the Mittleren Schulabschluss (Fachoberschulreife) or the qualification to attend the upper secondary school (gymnasiale Oberstufe) are admitted to the specialized classes of the HöHa. It is taught full-time and includes a three-week internship.
By completing Höha, studends acquire the school-based part of the Fachhochschulreife. After completing a six-month guided internship or a vocational training of at least 2 years, the students obtain the qualification to study at a university of Fachhochschule (university of applied sciences).